Saturday, November 23, 2019

Take A Dive

We see ourselves rightly only when we see the Self that is in all. No one can have a real or lasting joy and happiness stored up for oneself alone, everything is meant to be shared.    ~Ernest Holmes

Last year, Patte and I were out at sea...on a cruise. It was my first cruise and four themes came up:

1) Movement towards somewhere
The month of October's theme was falling forward. We are always at movement and falling forward is our natural movement.

2) Abundance of opportunities and being provided for
If you haven't been on a cruise before, the journey offers you all you can eat, gamble, swim, buy, dance, and be entertained. You just have to be present and willing to receive … you just have to show up. Now all is available but not all is given. There's a map and a timetable, but you have to get yourself there ... you must walk the talk of your desire.
It is impossible for you to receive that which your mind refuses to accept. If you desire to receive more you need to consciously develop the ability to mentally encompass it. You make your life mean, little, and limit its possibilities when you refuse to accept the whole gift of God. ~Ernest Holmes, Thoughts Are Things 
3) Life is an adventure
Went zip-lining – reminders: ...strap in and take the leap or hike ...options: rappel, take the ladder or climb wall
God is Life and Life gives Itself to us. It does not give some of Itself, It gives all of Itself. But the gift without a receiver cannot complete itself in individual life. ~ Ernest Holmes, Living the Science of Mind 
And we went snorkeling have to get in the water, with equipment, ...receiving the beauty that is within ...share the food (ourselves) and watch fish come

4) Receiving is as Important as Giving
Not taking....receiving
Until we can receive with an open heart, we're never really giving with an open heart. When we attach judgment to receiving help, we knowingly or unknowingly attach judgment to giving help. ~Brene Brown, The Gifts of Imperfection Receiving is as Important as Giving  
For some it is hard to receive. They say or think, “You shouldn’t have” or “I don’t deserve this” or “This old thing, I’ve had it forever.” When you accept without qualifications, you honor the other person's flow of giving and abundance, as you receive abundance. Giving and receiving not just spiritual idea - survival ...photosynthesis: we exhale carbon dioxide which nourishes plants ...plants use carbon dioxide and release oxygen -necessary for our life ...28% rainforests, 70% marine plants

Every breath is making a difference for all life by this giving and receiving ultimate source of our continued abundance ...awareness shows the Universe we are living a prosperity consciousness Generosity and gratitude is living with arms wide open ….like photosynthesis - free to give and free to receive automatically ultimate of embracing the gifts of life ...recognizes Something greater than we are, infinite and available, is the Source of all that we have, give and receive The magic word here, is living in gratitude.

Rudyard Kipling was a very famous writer late 1800's, early 1900's, and made a great deal of money at his trade. Wrote Jungle Book, Gunga Din, The Man Who Would Be King. A newspaper reporter came up to him once and said, "Mr. Kipling, I just read that somebody calculated that the money you make from your writings amounts to over $100 a word." Mr. Kipling raised his eyebrows and said, "Really, I certainly wasn't aware of that." The reporter cynically reached into his pocket and pulled out a $100 bill and gave it to Kipling and said, "Here's a $100 bill Mr. Kipling. Now you give me one of your $100 words." Rudyard Kipling looked at that $100 bill for a moment, took it and folded it up and put it in his pocket and said, "Thanks.” 

Everything in life works in circles, spiritually and materially. While there is more attention on how to give, the consciousness of receiving is just as important is a mutual experience, reflecting our unity with each other and with Spirit. You don't have to be out at sea to notice all that is being offered to you and meet it with openness and gratitude. Meditate on what it means to receive; and, in that, the gift you give to others by receiving generously. It's one of the ways we keep on singing. 

Today I know with all confidence... 
A glorious Divine abundance is active in my life. My prosperity comes through the source and substance of my supply...SPIRIT ...all Knowing, all Being, all Love, and all Giving. I dedicate my mind and heart to the thoughts, feelings, beliefs and actions that honor this glorious Divine abundance. Knowing it comes from an inexhaustible supply, I joyously receive my bounty right now. I live, breath and thrive in the flow of my bountiful Good.

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