Monday, December 30, 2019

Decorating Your New Year

Tony Robbins said:
There’s something coming for all of us. It’s called death.
Give me a second, I'm not trying to be morbid or grim.
Rather than fearing it, it can become one of our greatest counselors. All of a sudden everything gets re-prioritized. All of a sudden the littlest things you think are little, very often become the most important things in your life – those things you took for granted. So, if this was the last week of your life, how would you live, who would you call … what truth would you tell today? What would you cherish most?
And I would add, most importantly… what Truth would you live as?  Not 'by', not 'for'… AS!
As we assess 2019 and consider what we are resolving for 2020, what is it we want to live as?
Two traveling monks came upon a young woman waiting to step out of her sedan chair. The rains had made deep puddles and she couldn’t step across without spoiling her silken robes. She stood there, looking very cross and impatient, scolding her attendants. They had nowhere to place the packages they held for her, so they couldn’t help her across the puddle.

The younger monk noticed the woman, said nothing, and walked by. The older monk quickly picked her up and put her on his back, transported her across the water and put her down on the other side. Not even thanking the older monk, she shoved him out of the way and departed. The two monks continued on their way.

The young one was brooding and preoccupied the whole time and, after several hours, unable to hold his silence, he spoke out. “That woman back there was very selfish and rude, but you picked her up on your back and carried her! Then she didn’t even thank you!

The older monk stopped and turned to the younger monk and replied, “I set the woman down hours ago, why are you still carrying her?”
We carry so much weight in our stories of 2019 and before. Some good, some fantastic, some bad and some worse than bad. What are some of yours? Do you have any gripes ... disappointments, “what if's,” bitterness or holding a grudge or holding on to being right? I am sure it describes pretty much all of us.Why? Why do we hold on to those....stories? As I end this year, I ask myself:

Do you want to be right or free?

Do you want to be right or succeed?

Do you want to be right or happy?

So much energy is used up being right and righteous. It keeps one attached to the problem, conflict, condition or the memory and our supposed solution; versus living the elegant simplicity of choosing to consciously let go of the control of others and their outcomes. Just let all those stories that are muddying everything we do go the heck away. 
Trying to control things is like trying to take the master carpenter’s place. When you handle the master carpenter’s tools, chances are that you’ll cut yourself. ~Tao Te Ching - verse 74
What's cutting you from the past? Isn't it time to dissipate the emotional charge – the trigger of those old stories; take the heat off the event and accept the reality that sometimes the supposed “wrongdoer” is unreachable and maybe unrepentant. Isn't it time, past time, we make the choice to stop carrying the wrongdoing and doer on our shoulders? My grandmother and her sister had a feud for so long, they didn't know what it was about. What a waste.

Our attachment to these stories and the need to be right create a duality in our lives. An us and them perspective, that only hinders the us side of the equation.
All duality is a mind creation, all duality is created by the clinging and attached mind. When there is no attachment there is no duality.  ~Osho
It's time to surrender and accept it's over. Let go of the story. What stories about yourself from 20109 or before are keeping you wound up? What story can you let go of? Is it some “I am not good enough,” or “I don’t have enough?”

What story do you want to cultivate in 2020? A Rabbi once told me, “We must listen carefully to what the Hannukah candles are saying.” Here a few to assist in this release from old stories:

A Little Light Goes A Long Way
The candles serve as a beacon for the darkening streets. No matter how dark it is outside, the Light of Divine communion transforms the darkness into light. And here's a big one .... forgiveness of self and others shines a light on the darkness of those grudges we keep and the being right's we hold on to and drain ourselves with. When step into radical forgiveness, it rids us of the oppression of the duality of them and us, right and not right, or other b.s. about arguments, triggers and other gunk that we allow to overpower our lives.

Take It To The Streets
The candles remind us to shine outwards into our surroundings with the Divine glow of mitzvahs (good deeds). Share your Light, not the dark and oppressiveness of your self-righteousness. No one wants to be around, work for/with, be in a relationship with a sourpuss, always grumpy and constantly triggered by unresolved stories. As you share your goodness and kindness, you will be assisted by the glow of the mitzvahs effect by realizing what is a better perspective on life to have and heal those old stories to the point they don't influence you anymore.

Proudly Proclaiming Your Radiance For All To See When we re-dedicate yourself to who and what you truly are ... the unique, individualized personification of the Divine Presence, illuminating and experiencing Itself as You ... those old stories that have been triggering you for the last year(s) begin to lose their power over you. Who you are will always win out over the conditions of old. Remember, those triggers, attitudes, gripes, etc. are old habits and may take a bit of time to be ineffective, but it will happen.

And let's take this time to rediscover the Christ Consciousness, the Namaste in all of us by ridding ourselves of the greed of being in the right, the plague of living as the persecuted, the vice of victim-hood and the addiction of giving away our Power and focus to some event or condition, person or memory. Let's forgive and move on with our lives, not hold on to the grudges, the fights, the anger.  Let's celebrate our human right to live free from the bondage of duality...the them vs. us attitude.
Let's let go of the shoulda, woulda, coulda's, I don't have time's, they never call me, so why should I call them's. 

Let Go and Know that Divine Intelligence flows through you as light, love, grace, peace, beauty, power, joy and wisdom.....and them, as well.

Let Go and Know that you are here to be happy and whole and vibrant and creative...and them, as well.

Let Go and Know that you have the Power of Decision to live your life free of past disappoints, grudges, judgments, fights, worries, attachments to being right.

Let Go and Know the great I Am that you are, right here, right now.

Decorate your new year with the original You.

Write your story for 2020 and let the Universe publish it today.

I leave 2019 with a bang...
Prosperous in pocket, radiating great health and vitality, creative with a wondrous imagination, and surrounded by only love. I Vibrate, Reveal and Bust Through with my Divinity vibrating with luminescence, so that...
I Soar and Zoom in 2020!

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